Mild and Dry
The average maximum temperature during January 2025 in Malaga was 18.1 Celsius (64F), and that was 1.1 Celsius (2F) above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 9.9 Celsius (50F), and that was 0.4 Celsius (<1F) above average for January.
The highest temperature recorded during the month was 23.2 Celsius (74F) on the 12th. A high of 21.9 Celsius (72F) occurred on the 9th, and 21.4 Celsius (71F) was recorded on the 10th. A further 5 days had maxima above 20 Celsius (68F), but only 3 of these milder days occurred after mid month. On most other days (18) the top temperature ranged from 16 to 20 Celsius (61-68F). There were 5 days, the 14th, 16th, 19th, 20th and 29th, when the temperature failed to reach 16 Celsius (61F), but only 2 of these cooler days had maxima below 15 Celsius (59F). On the 20th, a high of 14.9 Celsius (59F) was recorded, but the coolest day of the month was the 14th, with a maximum temperature of 14.7 Celsius (58F).
There were 3 notably mild nights during January. On the 27th, a low of 16.6 Celsius (62F) occurred, with 15.7 and 15.1 Celsius (60 and 59F) recorded on the 11th and 12th respectively. No further minima exceeded 14 Celsius (57F), but on 8 nights the temperature remained above 10 Celsius (50F). The coolest nights mainly occurred around the middle of the month and throughout the third week of January. Between the 13th and 22nd, each night had minimum temperatures below 10 Celsius (50F), with the the other 8 cooler nights more evenly spaced through the rest of the month. All of the cooler nights had minima ranging from 7 to 10 Celsius (45-50F), with 1 exception. On the night of the 14th/15th the temperature fell to 5.1 Celsius (41F).
The sea temperature was around 17 Celsius (63F) at the beginning of the month, but for most of January it was closer to 16 Celsius (61F), and on the last couple of days of the month, the temperature dipped to 15 Celsius (59F).
There were 22.2 millimetres (0.9 ins.) of rain during January. This was 42% of the average. Measurable rain fell on 5 days, and that was 2 days below average for the time of year. Light rain late on the evening of the 5th became heavier overnight and during the morning of the 6th before dying out. The total for the day was 13.2 millimetres (0.52 ins.), making it the wettest day of the month. It then remained dry for 10 days. Showery rain on the morning of the 17th gave 1.2 millimetres (0.05 ins.), with rain from mid afternoon to early evening on the 20th adding another 4.6 millimetres (0.18 ins.) to the monthly total. A little rain occurred on the 28th, but only 0.2 millimetres (0.01 ins.) were measured. Somewhat heavier rain fell on the evening 29th, with the 3.0 millimetres (0.12 ins.) measured, completing the monthly total.
No thunder or lightning was observed in this part of west Malaga.
No hail was observed in this part of west Malaga.
January was a typical mid-winter month, with land breezes from the northwest dominating on 27 days during the month. Winds from between east and southeast occurred for most of the day and night on the 13th, 14th and 22nd, and on the 14th the breeze was quite strong at times. On the 23rd, approaching weather fronts, albeit weak, led to winds blowing from the southwest for much of the day. There were 5 days when gusts exceeded 20 knots (23 mph), with the highest gusts of 23 knots (26 mph) occurring on the 11th, 28th and 30th.
Patchy fog was observed until late morning on the 21st.
Statistics for January 2025
Reporting Station | Highest Temp | Lowest Temp | Rain Total (mm) | Wettest | Rain days |
Malaga Airport | 23.5 | 3.6 | 29 | 17 | 6 |
Malaga Harbour | 25.1 | 7.5 | 35 | 21 | 7 |
Fuengirola | * | * | 47 | 24 | 8 |
Granada Airport | 20.1 | -6.2 | 32 | 8 | 9 |
Almeria | 21.4 | 5.7 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Seville | 20.1 | 0.7 | 128 | 30 | 12 |
Cordoba | 21.3 | -3.4 | 119 | 29 | 12 |
Jerez de la Frontera | 20.7 | -1.7 | 65 | 20 | 13 |
Murcia | 28.1 | -0.2 | 0.6 | 0.4 | 2 |
- * Data missing
Climatology for January
Reporting Station | Extreme High Temp | Extreme Low Temp | Average Rain (mm) | Extreme Wettest day (mm) | Average Rain days |
Malaga Airport | 26.8 | -2.6 | 81 | 121 | 6 |
Granada Airport | 25.7 | -14.3 | 41 | 36 | 6 |
Almeria | 25.7 | 1.9 | 23 | 59 | 3 |
Seville | 24.4 | -4.4 | 65 | 66 | 5 |
Cordoba | 23.5 | -9.4 | 64 | 79 | 7 |
Jerez de la Frontera | 25.3 | -5.4 | 89 | 112 | 7 |
Murcia | 28.2 | -7.5 | 25 | 76 | 3 |